Friday, February 29, 2008

Some people

Okay, so I'm sure everyone knows someone who has everything you want but they aren't happy. I just don't get it! So, that makes me wonder, is there really perfect happiness in the world? I know happiness is what you make of it and everyone has their own idea of happy. But I am sick of hearing people bitch about what a crappy boring life they have when in reality, to me, they have the perfect life. So every time they bitch to me, it's like they are rubbing their perfect life into my face. I know this person doesn't mean to do it and I'm sure they don't think their life is perfect. But, it is!

Who wouldn't want a spouse who loves them more than anything in the world, who looks at them with all the love that they hold for them, so much love it just pours out, even after being together for a super long time, the love is still there, in thoughts, actions, words, all of it. (I know that was a run on sentence, but I don't really care right now, I'm ranting!)

Another thing that bothers me is people that bitch about things they can't control. I know it sounds like that is what I am doing right now, but I'm not bitching......I'm ranting!! What the difference is I'm not sure, but I know to the one person that reads this blog, he just wants me to write something. Since this is what is on my mind right now, this is what you get, SORRY JASON!!

So, in other news.......

I bought my sister tickets to the Lion King in Toledo. She is very excited, me - not so much. I do want to go see it, but I don't really think the tickets are worth $75. I would rather go to two baseball games for that price!

Which by the way, most baseball tickets went on sale today, and I cannot buy any because I don't know what I will be doing come the summer! I really don't like not having a plan. I always have had a plan for my life. While I do have a plan in the back of my mind, I like to think of it as my plan in the bullpen. I don't want to have to move back in with my parents and lose all of my freedom. I won't think about that until the time comes!

I started a new job on Monday. It is just part time, it will only be on Mondays and a few hours at home during the week. But, I am excited, I plan on using the extra money to pay off bills from Shawn (maybe if I can use all of this money to do that, I'll have his bills paid off by 2020!!) I will be doing billing for a computer contracting company. The guy I am working for seems very nice, so that is good! Plus it is close to home (for now), so that is another plus. I will still be home in time to cook a halfway decent meal for Tom and Andrea on Mondays.

Another thing I am very excited about is Relay for Life. It is upon us again so I will be busy with that! I LOVE to be busy, it gives me less time to worry (about things I can control-to a point!) But, then again, do we really control anything? I need to learn to just let things work themselves out- any ideas on how I can do that?

Back to Relay, the theme is Country/Western, not really sure what we are going to do with that, but I hear Chris has some excellent ideas, I need to hear them, it's driving me crazy that I found out about them a week ago, but we haven't had time to discuss them. We are three people short at work this week, so we have not had time to discuss Relay at work.

I am all over today! I do apologize. I have a million thoughts running through my head. I have a lot to say, cause we never can tell when my next post is going to come. Two in one month, you should be ever so proud!

So, my cousin had his baby, a little boy, Ryan Joseph. He is very cute. Everyone around me is having babies, when will it be my turn??? My clock is ticking very loudly, I'm sure you can hear it through the web!

WOW! I think this is the longest blog of my life. I feel like I have been through every emotion in this blog tonight, frustration, anger, envy, joy, excitement, confusion, maybe a little hatred! You would never guess that my life is actually pretty good right now. I don't want to say why, because I will jinx it, and I'm not going to do that (knock on wood).

Alright, I'm getting quite hungry now, and I'm sure your sick of jumping all around. By the way, this is completely normal in the brain of Kristen. That's my secret, my brain is really scattered.... I am thinking about a million things at almost all times of the day. That's what makes me so moody! I think I need to be back on my medication, it seems worse now that I have been off for two and a half months!

Okay, I'm really signing off now, I must eat the rest of my tuna fish sandwich with extra tomatoes from Subway.

Until we meet again.... I wish you health, wealth and happiness!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

An interesting few weeks

So, I know I haven't blogged in awhile, but I have been pretty busy, and life is about to get busier, Relay is just around the corner!

So, my dramas started last Wednesday, that cold snowy morning, I went down to my car to go to work. I was planning on being a good girl and bringing my clothes to Goodwill so I left early. I put my purse in my car and started it up. I then walked around the car to get my scraper out, and to my surprise, my door would not open. It was locked, with my keys in the ignition and my car running! How wonderful!

So, I go over to Dunkin' Donuts to use their phone to call into work to tell them that I was going to be late. I then called Ange, and then went out to find the maintenance guy to the apartment complex. I found him, he told me he could get into my car with a metal coat hanger. I told him I didn't have one, he checked his car and came back with a pry bar and a rag ( I then became scared thinking he did this for a living), of course, no coat hanger. So he went to Dunkin' Donuts to find one, no luck, I went to Powerhouse, again no luck! So, the guy from DD comes out five minutes later and I go over to him, he has a handle from a bucket straightened out in his hand. I grab it, and bring it over to Rick. He used it to get my doors unlocked!!!!

Next comes Thursday, I was going to bring Tom brownies at work. So, I came in the house to get the brownies, I threw my keys on the chair and grabbed the brownies, then walked out of the hosue. Right after I shut the door I realized I had left my key to get into the main door in my apartment. Because of the snafoo with the car keys the day before, I separated the car key from the key pad. Attached to the key pad was my apartment key so that I could start my car then lock the doors and come back up to the apartment. OOPS!

Now it's time for Friday. Ange, Sarah (Ange's friend), and I decide to go to the Bier Stube. We are gettin our drink on and Ange is singing. She is on her third song, Sarah and I are on beer number two with two shots each in our system. Next thing we know is someone is at our table telling us that Ange is on the floor. We go over to her and she is crying. She NEVER cries in public. So we try to get her head off the nasty floor and get her to calm down. She tells us she thinks she broke her ankle. Against my advice, she takes her boot off (did I mention she was wearing a mini skirt and hooker boots?). There are two nurses at the bar, they look at her ankle, tell me it is fractured and that we need to go to the ER. So, Sarah and I close our tabs, I go get the car, and some guy carries Ange out to the car.

We get to the ER, explain what happens, obviously they think Ange is drunk, which she is not, so she gets NO pain meds. They take her to x-ray, no fracture just a severe sprain. They discharge her with an ace wrap, an air cast and NO MEDS!!!! Sarah and I feel guilty for that since we were the ones that were laughing like drunken idiots!!

Ange is still gimping around! She's getting better on her crutches in the snow.

My life is finally back to normal (knock on wood). But at least I had something to blog about!

Talk to you after the next round of drama in my life occurs.

Until then try to stay warm!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Jason- This one is for you!

My one loyal reader of my blog sent me a text message today saying that I had to make a new post since it has been since August and he didn't want to see depressed now more than ever anymore. So here is goes.....

My life has been rather boring (as always). Christmas was good, I must have been a very good girl because Santa Clause was very kind to me. I got a vacuum cleaner- now I don't have to get on my hands and knees to pick up the crap on my floor. I got a really cool end table with The Big House on it (not jail, but Michigan Stadium). I got a necklace and matching earrings from my sister, and a bunch of other cool stuff (mostly UofM stuff, just the way I like it)!!!!

Speaking of UofM, yes, they had a pretty disappointing season, but I think we may have actually gotten a REAL coach in Rich Rodriguez, hopefully a little less conservative than Lloyd was, and I am looking forward to the 2008 season. It was really nice to see Lloyd, Mike, Chad, and Jake go out with a win in January (finally)! Now, let's just hope that the next crop of Wolverines can bring back the pride of Michigan and BEAT OHIO STATE!! Oh, I'm sorry, BEAT "THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, back to my life. 2008 has started out just as 2007 finished. I babysat my little cousin on New Year's Eve, went to my parents and grandma's on New Year's Day. I am looking toward another lonely boring year! Although my cousin is going to try to hook me up with some guy she works with, but I'm not holding my breath!

I'm going to be homeless in five months so if anyone knows of somewhere in the Monroe County area that I can rent a cheap house, please let me know! I really want to buy a house, but because I am still dishing out $500 a month for Shawn's debts, I don't see any bank giving me a loan. I really want to get out of apartment living, I've had enough of that to last a lifetime.

Today, while cooking dinner, I lost an acrylic nail! I was freaking out a bit, so I strained my spaghetti sauce and then dug through the meat and veggies with a spoon. It was after I did all that searching that I realized I had my full nail attached while I was opening the "secret ingredient". So, I looked around the lid of that, and guess what, it was sitting right there! Pretty funny, I wish I would have thought of that before I wasted ten minutes straining and searching.

Well, that's about all I have to post today, I am going to go clean out my purse and continue to work on my puzzle while watching the last of the bowl games. I love bowl season! College football whenever you want it! It's better than Christmas! I will try to be a better blogger, I just never have anything interesting to post!!

I wish everyone a happy and healthy new year and hope all your dreams for the new year come true!

Until we meet again........

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Depressed.....Now more than ever

Okay, so I just got done eating dinner by myself again. This is about a biweekly experience for me, but lately it seems to be just about every day. Today, it finally just got to me. I made a wonderful spaghetti dinner, complete with my homemade spaghetti sauce and garlic bread. Plus last night before I went to bed I made a chef salad with eggs and ham, just the way my sister likes it. (With mushrooms in a separate container, cause she hates mushrooms on her salad!)

Anyway, I absolutely HATE eating dinner alone, especially after I cook a big meal. So, tonight while eating dinner alone for the first time at my new dining room table, I decided that I may be doing this for the rest of my life. And with my sister graduating from college soon and moving away, I will definitely be eating alone every night of the week. Maybe this is her way of training me once May comes, I don't know.

Another thing that depresses me on the week of my 25th birthday is that I have no one to spend my birthday with!!! My sister is going to Cleveland, my cousin is going to the Kenny Chesney concert, the guys I work with are having a "Guys Party" complete with strippers, so that leaves my mom and dad. I guess that's appropriate since they brought me into the world almost 25 years ago!

Then, I was talking to my cousin Chad on the phone today and he asked me about Dan and if we were still "talking" which by the way I hate that phrase, it should be either dating or not dating. No talking, no seeing each other, no casual sex partners, no friends with benefits, or any other stupid phrases people are using these days!!! Okay, back to Chad. Once I told him no, he asked why and I told him how he decided he wasn't ready for a relationship all of a sudden and then we talked about the problems he is experiencing with the woman that is soon to be his baby's mommy. And then he says to me that he thinks of me as a woman who would be high maintenance in a relationship. I asked him why he thought that, he said "for several reasons". He says that I seem to be the type of person who is sweet on the outside but hard to deal with once I am in a relationship and that I wouldn't let the guy I am dating go out with his guy friends.

Which is completely the opposite of how I am. I don't want to be with that person every day of the week, I just want to know that if I need him, he will be there. I don't care if he goes out with his friends as long as I can go out with mine. And even though I don't have any, I would still let him go out with his. And, yes I can be difficult to deal with because I like things done my way, but I do take other people's opinion into account, and if it's better than mine, I will change!

Does anyone else feel that 25 is too old to not be in a serious relationship planning the rest of your life? I just thought that my life would be so different than it is right now. And that is the most depressing part about it. I should be have just given birth to my second child by now getting ready to go back to school to begin my first year of teaching at a school out in the country. Don't get me wrong, I am VERY happy with my job, I just thought that after I had a couple children I would get a teaching job. I should also be living in the country in my own house with lots of bills and space for my kids to run around. I have the bills part, maybe the rest will come sometime before I am 35.

I also came to the realization today that if I don't have kids by the time I am 35 I am getting the breast reduction I have been wanting for the last 10 years! I figure if it hasn't happened by 35 then it won't happen at all. After 30 I think I am seriously going to look for a sperm donor!

I know some people reading this would say that I am still too young to worry about my life. But, I just want to have a family so badly. I have wanted a child every day of my life since about 15. I love kids. Whenever I am having a bad day, I just need to see a child smiling, and it changes my mood instantly. Is it so wrong to want to be a mother? That is the only thing I would really be great at. I guess now I have to spend the next 7 years finding a man who thinks the same thing and who can stomach my neediness that Chad thinks I have. I really am not needy though, I am an independent woman who can take care of myself. So don't think I need a husband/boyfriend for that, I just want to experience the feeling of true love since it obviously isn't what I thought it was. And I thought what I had with Shawn was wonderful, that means true love must be better!!

Amanda- sorry to post something so depressing right before your wedding, but I just needed to vent! I hope everything goes well on your special day!!!!

Now that you all think I am insane and you are worried that I might jump off a bridge, I will be alright. I keep myself pretty busy. After I post this, I have to work on a flyer for our Relay garage sale, edit the flyer for the pharmacy, and clean my kitchen. So, no one worry, I'll get over this depression just like I get over them every other time this happens!

Monday, August 06, 2007

I'm a Big Girl Now!!

So, I am extremely excited! I am getting a big girl bed! I am finally getting a queen sized bed. It is coming to my house on Thursday. I also got a big comfy mattress and a dining room set.

This weekend was pretty eventful. On Friday, I went to the good ole Monroe County Fair and then I went to The Rodeo bar in Oregon. My sister and her friends got trashed so I had to drive their asses home!

Saturday, I went shopping with mom and ange for a comforter. I found one, but all they had was King size. So I had to beg the people in Toledo to save me a queen. Then we went to my uncles' birthday party.

Sunday, I went to get my comforter then slept the day away!

A-Rod hit #500 this weekend, very exciting! Look out Barry, he is coming!!

Well, that's all for now, maybe I'll figure out how to post a picture of my new bed when I get it made up on Thursday.

Have a good week everyone!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

A Major Breakthrough

Hi all-

Sorry it has been so long (again) since my last blog. I keep telling everyone I lead a boring life, but no one seems to believe me!

Well, anyway, tonight I just had a major breakthrough. Are you ready for this????


Now, to most of you, this may seem like a usual event. But, for me on the other hand, this is a completely rare occasion. In fact, I don't believe that this has EVER happened before. Now, I have been known to eat at fast food restaurants alone, and I have spent an occasional morning at Big Boy wasting time between a doctor appointment and work, but never have I eaten at a regular restaurant alone. I even had a cocktail!

I don't know what it is, I just feel really weird about being places alone. The only thing I enjoy doing alone is shopping. You would think I would have just dealt with it since I am alone so often. But, instead of going out alone, I just choose to stay in and nap or sit in front of the TV.

So, what's next you ask? I may try the zoo. I have been wanting to go for the last several weeks, but I can't seem anyone who wants to go with me. I know a few people that want to go, but we never seem to have the same day off work. Don't you think people will think I am a child molester if I go to the zoo by myself? I know that is a popular place for them to hang out!

So, in other news, oh wait! I have no other news, I'm boring. I do have a 'secret' though, but I'm not sharing, cause when I reveal names or things that happen, people suddenly disappear.

My parents 26 year wedding anniversary was Tuesday. That just means that I am getting really old. I will be 25 next month-----I AM RUNNING OUT OF TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I think that is all I have to say for today.

Post a comment about whether you think the zoo should be my next alone adventure. If you don't think it's a good idea, please post a suggestion!

Talk to you all in September!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Checkin' In

Hi everyone!

I just thought I would surprise you all and post 7 days after my last post!

I finally finished my family reunion invitations, the only thing left to do is get a few addresses for my relatives who move frequently! I am almost finished with my thank you notes for Relay too, once those are done, I will be very excited, then I can start working on fundraisers for next year. If anyone has any ideas, I'm open!

Justin Verlander pitched a no-hitter the other night. I have to say that was by far the coolest thing I have ever seen. I only got to see the last three innings, but it was still great!

Other than that, nothing else is going on in my world.

Amanda- I was looking at a pop bottle the other day, and it reminded me to ask you if you ever found out what CA- Cash Refund means? Please inform me!!

Talk to you all soon, have a great weekend!